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LATTE - noun, pronounced latt-te
Large stone pillars (håligi) capped by stone capitals (tåsa) carved by the ancient Chamorro people to use as building supports. The latte stones have been made of limestone, basalt, or sandstone, and quarries have been found on all of the larger islands of the Marianas.
CrossFit Latte Stone
Nov 21, 20201 min read
Max out Sunday-201122
Snatch Primers 2-3 sets w/ empty bar 3 hang muscle snatch 3 snatch grip behind the neck strict press 3 overhead squat 3 snatch balance 3...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Nov 14, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201115-Sunday
Snatch 1 hang snatch pull + 2 hang snatch (squat) 3x1@80% 2x1@85% Cleans 1 hang clean pull + 2 hang power clean+ 2 split jerk 3x1@80%...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Nov 10, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201111-Wednesday
Snatch 1 squat snatch + 2 hang power 4x1 @75% of snatch Clean 1 power clean + 2 hang squat clean 4x1 @75% of power clean Snatch grip DL...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Nov 7, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201108-Sunday
Snatch 1 snatch pull + 2 hang snatch (squat) 5x1 @75 Cleans 1 clean pull + 2 hang power clean+ 2 split jerk 4x1 @75% Do not go over your...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Nov 4, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201104-Wednesday
Snatch 1 squat snatch + 2 hang power 5x1 @70% of snatch Clean 1 power clean + 2 hang squat clean 5x1@70% of power clean Snatch grip DL...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 31, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201101-Sunday
Snatch 1 hang snatch pull + 2 hang snatch (squat) 5x1 @70% Cleans 1 hang clean pull + 2 hang power clean+ 2 split jerk 4x1 @70% Do not...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 27, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201028-Wednesday
Snatch 2 snatch high pull + 2 power snatch w/ pause on receive 4x1 @75 of power snatch clean 2 hang power clean + 3 push jerk w/ pause on...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 20, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201021- Wednesday
Snatch 2 power snatch + 1 squat snatch 4x1 @75% of power snatch Clean 2 power clean + 1 clean 4x1 @75% of power clean Back squat tempo...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 17, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201018 - SUNDAY
Snatch 12 mins to establish heavy single for the day. focus on a weight you want to hit. 5x1@70% of heavy of the day. Clean 2 squat...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 13, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201014 - WEDNESDAY
Snatch 2 power snatch + 1 low hang power snatch 5x1 @70/75% Clean 2 power clean + 1 low hang power clean 5x1 @70/75% Snatch grip dl Tempo...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 10, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201011 - SUNDAY
Snatch 2 hang power + 1 snatch 5x1 @65 or by feel. Clean 1 clean + 1 jerk dip + 2 split jerks 5x1 @65 or by feel Back squat 3x4 @75% of...
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CrossFit Latte Stone
Oct 6, 20201 min read
Weightlifting 201007- Wednesday
Snatch 1 power snatch + 2 snatches 4x1 65% or by feel. Clean 2 power clean + 3 push jerks 4x1 65% or by feel Clean dl 3x3 @70% tempo...
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