Warm Up
Mobility/ Stretch
2 Rounds
8 Tempo Overhead Squats
5 Sotts Press
8 Hollow Rocks
10 Second Handstand Hold
A. Snatch
3 Squat Snatch (Singles)
5 x 1 (Build to 70% <last set> of 1rm)
B. Clean & Jerk
2 Power Cleans - 2 Split Jerks
5 x 1 (65% of Split Jerks)
C. Deadlifts (Clean Grip)
Use 90% of 1RM
2 warm up sets (build to 65% of 90%)
Set 1: 5 @ 65% of 90% 1rm
Set 2: 5 @ 75% of 90% 1rm
Set 3: 5+ @ 85% of 90% 1rm
D. Accessories
DB Rows
3 x 10 (each side)
Farmers Walk/ Carry
3 x 100m (as heavy as possible)