Warm up
Mobility/ stretch
3 Rounds
5 Tempo Overhead Squats w/ empty barbell
10 Scapular Pull Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Split Jerks w/ empty barbell
A. Snatch (4x1 @ 65% of 1rm)
1 Low Hang Squat Snatch - 3 Overhead Squats
B. Clean (5x1 @65% of 1rm)
1 Power Clean - 3 pause Front Squats (3 sec. pause at bottom)
C. Jerks (3x3 @ 70% of 1rm)
Push Jerks
D. Accessories
Push ups 5x20
45 seconds ~ 1:00 minute Planks
(Rest 1:00 between sets)