Warm Up
3 Minutes Bike/ Row (Easy Pace)
Stretch/ Mobility
2 Rounds
8 Medball Cleans
8 Strict Press w/ Barbell
8 Overhead Squats
8 Snatch Balance
A. Snatch
15 Minutes Heavy Snatch for the day
(does not have to be PR)
* 1:30-2:00 rest between attempts
B. Clean and Jerk
15 Minutes Heavy Clean and Jerk for the day
(does not have to be PR)
* 1:30-2:00 rest between attempts
C. Heavy Front Squats
Build to a heavy single in no more than 5 sets
D. Core/ Accessories
3 Rounds
100m Sprint
30 seconds max chin ups
30 seconds box step ups with double DBs(suitcase grip ) Right leg only
30 seconds box step ups with double DBs(suitcase grip ) Left leg only
30 seconds Heavy Russian KB Swings
60 Seconds rest between rounds