Warm Up
Stretch/ mobility
3 Rounds w/ PVC or empty barbell
3 Snatch High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
3 Snatch Balance
3 High Hang Snatch
A. Pause Snatch Balance
Build to heavy/ pause 3 seconds at bottom
B. Snatch Complex
2 sets
1 Snatch High Pulls + 1 Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch High Pulls + 1 Snatch
Build up to 80% of 1rm Snatch
C. Front Squats
5 Sets (add load each set)
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat
(pause 3 seconds at bottom)
D. Core/ Conditioning
3 Sets
30 seconds Hollow Hold
20 V-Ups
10 Weighted Hip Extension
100 meter Run