Coach Stretch
T-Spine Rotation / Lat Stretch
3:00 Bike or Row
3 RDS - Barbell Only
3 Muscle Snatch
3 BtN Shoulder Press
3 OHS3 Snatch Balance
3 Hang Snatch
Skill / Strength
5 Sets
1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS
75% of 1RM Pwr Snatch
warm-up to your working weight before beginning sets
16 EMOM (4 rounds)
1: 14/11 Cal Row or 12/9 Cal Bike
2: 20 Pull Ups / Ring Rows
3: 25 HR Push Ups + Max Hollow Rocks
4: Rest
Post WOD Accessory
3 Sets
20 sec L-Sit Hold on Rings